28 de mayo de 2013

Modelos CO en Lavapiés

Esta semana, un grupo de treinta jóvenes de países de Europa y Norte de África están participando en Madrid, en un programa intercultural de la ONG AIPC Pandora. Elena y Rafa, de Nee Labs, se encargan de dinamizar un taller con ellos en El Casino de La Reina sobre participación.

Me pidieron si podía acompañarles en una visita guiada por Lavapiés, para mostrarles iniciativas que se acercasen a ese modelo Co -cooperación, comunicación, compartir, colectivo...-, e inspirándonos también en los paseos de Jane Jacobs.

Así que les preparé la siguiente ruta que hicimos en grupo ayer por la tarde -por supuesto, aquí faltan muchos espacios más en Lavapiés que siguen este modelo.

The CO model in Lavapies

Esta es una plaza
This space was an abandoned area until the neighbours got permission from the council to use it for community initiatives for a period of five years. Having asked local residents what they wanted in the space, the group set about constructing a vegetable garden, a small theatre, a bike repair workshop and garden area. The space is regularly used for a wide range of activies including workshops and performances.

Mercado de San Fernando
Markets have always been very important common spaces in Madrid but the arrival of big supermarket chains, had forced them into decline. Now, some of these markets are trying to break away from the traditional commercial model by encouraging alternative economies. This market is an example.

La filmoteca
Originally, this cinema was the place to see old films from the council`s historic film archive. Nowadays however, la FIlmoteca also promotes cinema through a range of activities such as free children's films, conferences with independent directors and film festivals with a local community slant.

La Marabunta or La Fugitiva Bookshops

Two examples of the many bookshops you can find in Lavapies which mix the concepts of bookseller, bar and cultural centre.

La Tabacalera
Originally a cigarette factory, this sprawling building now houses one of the most important community projects in Madrid. A policy of selfmanagement has helped convert the factory into one of the city's most dynamic cultural centres by putting into practice a new view of culture based on the commons.

Other places in Lavapies:
Lavapies Film Festival: http://lavapiesdecine.net/
Lavapies Popular Assembly: http://lavapies.tomalosbarrios.net/
Bollymadrid. Indian Culture Festival: http://www.bollymadrid.com/

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