O último boletín da Oficina de Asuntos Humanitarios da ONU (OCHA) informa con datos comparativos do que sucede en Palestina. E son bastante evidentes:

- Public medical services have drastically reduced their provision with
almost all routine services, such as the immunisations, severely affected.
ICRC estimates that West Bank hospitals are operating at 20% of their
capacity. Only emergency life-saving services and emergency caesarean
sections are provided. NGOs and private public facilities cannot cope with
the increased number of patients;
- 80% of school students in the West Bank, i.e. all but the Tawhiji (12th
grade) and the first grades, received no education because schools are
- Passports are being issued or renewed in smaller numbers, hampering
international travel, including that for patients needing medical treatment
- Vehicles and drivers licences are not being renewed on timeleading to the
cancellation of insurance. Insurance and driver/vehicle licences are
required by the IDF for permit applications within the West Bank;
- Deaths and births are not being regularly registered, leading to a
massive backlog and a distortion of population figures.
- The national census of the Palestinian population, which is due to take
place in 2007 may be seriously compromised by the lack of resources and
current dysfunction of PA services.
- There are 49,000 legal cases awaiting for a Court decision.
- Reports indicate that people are increasingly relying upon traditional
tribal customs or Shariah law to solve disputes and conflicts because of
the current dysfunction of law and order procedures, risking a further
weakening of the formal system.
- Because of the virtual 'siege' of the Gaza Strip normal market mechanisms
have faltered, and dependency on aid has risen. Palestinian goods have been
consistently unable to move out of the strip, leading to the closure and
relocation of businesses.
A organización B'TSELEM reúne máis datos.
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